Personalities of the city of Zarnesti
Various fields
Ioan Bran Lemeny ( 1811–1899) – Lawyer and politician
Alduleanu John Knight (1821–1871) – president of the Brasov Court urbanial
Ioan Senchea Doctor and lawyer (1864-1916) and his son, Aurel Senchea(1897-1916) – heroes with attitude and activities in the service of national ideals
Pompiliu Dan (1871-1954) – teacher and headmaster
Traian Mosoiu General (1868-1932) – Colonel
Nicolae Baiul (1782-1855) – lawyer
Axente Puscariu (1874-1952) – Romanian Army fighter
Bratu Baiul (1760-1831) – priest
Ion Metianu (1828-1916) – priest, prelate of Transylvania
Baiulescu Bartholomeu (1831-1909) – teacher and priest, dean
Ion Metianu (Friday) (1895-1965) – learned and prominent landowner.
Tataru George (1904-1972) – Professor
Andrei Ciurea (1899-1963) – teacher
Elena Ciurea (1905-1990) – teacher
Ion Zecheriu (1920 -1987) – historian, professor
Sorin bulgIngineer. – Professor
Nicholas Elias (1931-2002). – Professor
Ioan Turcu (1851 – 1908) – journalist , founder of the company’s progress in Fagaras
Gheorghe Stoica (1877-1954) – Publicist
Tiberiu Vornicu (Oprea) (1900-1975) – Publicist
Dan Viorel – Professor
Rustem Seitabla – Professor
Ioan Piso – tenor
Vlad Ulpiu – composer
Victor Borbil (1904-1969)Doctor
Axente Gogonea (1899-1972) Doctor
Nicolae Voiculet Prof. Doctor docent
Dan Gogonea Doctor
Tiberiu Sperchez (1899-1977) Academician Prof. Doctor
Nicolae Ioanoviciu Doctor
Octavian Deac (1925-1997)Doctor
Viorel Grigore (1910-2001)Prof. Doctor
Florica Nan Vasilescu (1937-2002)
Doctor Chemist
Doctor Chemist
Personalities in the economic-financial and legal:
Ioan Manaila (1875-1929)
Nicholas Zecheru
Lawyer Andrei Ciurea
Nicolae Pop (1884 – 1971)
Piso-Ladea Lucia (1914 – 1971)
People in the technical field:
Ion Ionica (1874-1952)
Rulea Constantin Architect
Staicu Ioan Ingineer
Gheorghe Dumitru Doctor Ingineer
Virgil Garoiu Eng.
Ingineer Ioan Sacuiu
Ilie Vlad Doctor Ingineer
Honorary Citizens
Elsa Danielsson Sweden, a city twinned with the town Zarnesti 51/24.02.2005
George Garni skiIngineer sport biathlon coach, reserve police commissioner 269/02.11.2006
Professor Gheorghe Craciun , Ph.D., together with a group of teachers from Brasov, founded the Faculty of Philology of the University Transylvania Brasov 29/22.02.2007
Ph.D. Professor Gheorghe Dumitru , President Despartamantului ASTRA National Park Zarnesti 85/26.04.2007
Ioan Bancila fighter for freedom in World War the Romanian people, participatIngineer in the Assembly from Alba Iulia in the Great Union 289/15.11.2007 -01.12.1918