Tourist Routes

Hiking trails from Zarnesti

semn src=Ridge route


northern ridge: cottage Curmatura – Saddle crack – top of tower – Saddle Padina closed – Padina top Kings – the refuge of the sharp point

Ridge trail, marked with red dot, starts at Curmatura cottage. Initially, when we leave the hut, we are off to the left to Zarnesti and after about 10 m in this direction we get to the point of branching roads. On a pillar marking the board signs reading, among others, and explanations on our way. As mentioned we are off the board from left to climb by clearing a short distance after the cabin and entered the forest of spruce, overflowing the ridge of the mountain on the southern coast of Little Rock. Climbing the steep slope by the subsides that cross the forest, passing beside the white limestone walls, lift the edge of the trail. After about 20 minutes, counted from the chalet Curmatura, get the saddle crack, where two of the markers of interest are common in this place until our route, split: the path marked with yellow tape, leads Zarnesti, and the blue point to Little Rock. Place indicator is signaled by a pillar. The indicator of lighting right down to the left, bypassing the corner of Forest Curmatura, wooded stone tower, built in the middle of inseuarii National Park and Little Rock. At the end of this passage indicator met a pillar, on whose arrow read the following explanation: direct access to the cabin without touching Curmatura crack Saddle – 10 minutes. Above indicator of lighting on the ridge, was the lowest point to the altitude of Curmaturii Stone Park. On its axis of symmetry, to the south, Curmaturii valley, the thalweg of vilcel century deepens and the tongue valley north crack, bounded along their length Mica Stone National Park. Add as crack is in the saddle across Curmaturii ridge on Little Stone Mountain slope properly. Continuing the route, follow the trail through the forest, supported ascending sometimes toppled by the wind through spruce logs. After a short time, overcome by a ridge line to, where you descend, crossing the steep mountain to a vast area of debris, poured right into the valley to crack. rises before us – provoking the admiration of us – white stone wall that has crossed many times gutters. Here and there appear solitary or grouped a few spruces, stunted and scratched winds. Rock Climbing Mountains to the northern ridge of starts after I crossed the debris. A threshold rocks, 4-5 m high, subject us to the first exam climbing. Shifting it well, we still use the two cables installed along the route. Follows a small trough with debris that must be passed a short distance more carefully. As we grow, the slope becomes more inclined. However, the passages are not difficult to be passed, because we use natural outlets for support and two other cables installed in exposed locations. Our submission is relieved by the marking, which sometimes shows the supports for the hands. After about an hour from the chalet Curmatura, you reach a metal pillar, an arrow indicator fixed on him, gives the following explanation: to the cabin Curmatura 45 minutes – 1 hour. right pillars on a slab, we see blue cross marking the route from Boundary Padina, who finally in this place, at 1850 m altitude. still, the crest starts to emerge better and better, climb, held in gentle slopes, passing over small obstacles until the tower, the first peak of the ridge in this part, where indicators are set on a pillar and a plate with two arrows explanations about the routes that branch off from the crest to different objectives, and times of travel. The top of Tower Stone Tower is called local, and tourists often call it the Stone Tower Park. From the top of the tower is separated by Padina Sindileriei right path, which is very poorly marked beginning coboririi. Led by marking our resume on the ridge road on the right set of towers, and grows everywhere in Padina Sindileriei high. But soon you will have to give up the pleasure and because of obstacles to the left to leave the ridge line on the eastern slope, rounding the top dark Padina through a wooded area. At the end of the range come in Padina closed Saddle (1955 m alt.) Bounded on the south and the northern tip of Priest Padina Padina top closed. The place is marked by pillars and tin signs. By this point the trail passes the blue band, followed by the right, leading the former clearing Diana refuge on Brina Goat, and the left down to the cabin Curmatura. Continue on the ridge line to the right look haurile Padina closed private note wonders for us on rebuilt high limestone layers up to vertical. After 15 minutes we reach the top of Padina Kings (1970 m alt.) Branch point highlighted by a metal pillar. The trail is marked with blue triangles and descent leads to the right by Kings Padina in clearing the former Diana refuge. Padina Kings on top line growth is seen in front of us, the narrow and dotted with juniper trees pilcuri. In this part we can admire the right Padina Kings, bordered to the north-east of Kings Ridge Padina; on its slope, called the Great Wall of Padina Kings were established many routes of rare alpine beauty. After about 400 meters, counting from the right branch last point, the ridge close to many VILCELE lineage, Cioringa tributaries of the Great Valley. Down through this area passes Cioringa Great belt, lower branch. Hatasul along the belt is hard to follow, especially the forest of juniper trees that are sometimes lost. After about an hour, counting from the top of Kings Padina, becomes broad ridge, the trail passing over sharp point (2150 m) beneath the valley to the right that emerges Cioringa Great, whose bed is shaped grassy path to the unmarked Cioringa Great belt , upper arm, and shelter Cioringa Great. Beyond the top, down the platform refuge from sharp point. At about 30 m below the arrows unite several explanations for the ridge trail to the cabin and Descent Padinile Curmatura the Arts. finally take place in this first stage of the route


Ridge Nordic Area refuge from sharp point-tip Timbalul Mare – Peak Baciului (tip to Om) – Saddle Grindului
The second phase of the ridge route runs south of the refuge from sharp point. the point of departure are fixed on metal poles several arrows of direction, with explanations for obiectivcle or marked tourist routes in the region. From pillar indicating the path of the Peak Ridge Baciului leads north to 350 m higher than the ridge line, up near the tip Timbalul Great, erected in front. before starting to climb the peak, ridge is interrupted twice, forming a Strunga read in small intervals. The right of the second marking down 4-5 m to the east, a trough in May injured his back and then another Strunga (third), where the slope begins northwest thread Cioringa lineage of Grand Canyon through which tourists used to climb the rock climbers and descend to the refuge Cioringa Mare, located near the former Hidden Cottage, Vilcelului route with window. The place can be identified and after, window drilled in the wall that borders the natural right of the canyon mentioned thread lineage. Cioringa refuges near former Great Hidden Cottage, Vilcelului route with window, see index 25. B. Continuing route crest, we climb on top sustained Timbalul Mare (2177 m alt.), where we can look at the fantastic area of the ridge’s Calinet Padina, “climbing paradise” from rival Bucegi Galbinele area. Beyond this area, deeper than the tongue of wooded knolls Dimbovifa, we see massive Iezer doll and to the right of the seemingly endless string of peaks of the Fagaras mountains. Follow the Saddle Calinetului Descent, deep sea between the tip and the top of Timbalul cymbals. in its content, the presence of coltan , the saddle shows a bump which splits into two. the first port from the north end of the routes climbers come from Calinetul Breakfast, in the second, from the south, reaching those who have climbed the main thread of Padina Calinet . resume ridge trail, climbing up at the tip of Timbal (2170 m altitude).. Looking back, we see the wall and top ridge Timbalul Great, rebuilt the vertical strata, reminding us of the Great Organ of Padina closed. right We, on the northwestern slope, deepens Valley Bridge. With numerous tanks and image edges, high in its content, before the crest south of the Northern wilderness impressed by the land and the narrowness ridge where we are. Get on a slope the other, overcome irregularities in a crossing route that culminates in the descent on the western slope, until Valley Saddle Bridge. Follows overcome the most difficult portions of the route, about 100 m. long mark over the battlements leads or places exposed ridge, passing usually on the eastern slope. Strunga a small, quiet down places, the trail passes below the eastern slope, ascending through the juniper pilcurile or climb over the small jumping. interval to finally take a narrow passage on the ridge line, dotted finally the top Timbalul Mic (2231 m altitude).. in this area take on the alpine trail end Timbalul edge lower and further back in the saddle Valley Bridge, the route from the main thread of the valley with the same name. From the top Timbalul Breakfast can look to the left of the wild eastern slope, and above this, Bran villages, spread everywhere over Maguri Bran. Beyond the horizon is closed them from right to left by massive Leaota Bucegi, Piatra Mare and bent Postavaru . resuming sustained way down the ridge, having the right threads Cioringutei lineage. When I got down in her dotted with junipers, we are in the southern starting point of haystacks, rocky peaks that are chained up near the Peak Baciului . From this place, on the western slope of the deep threads Vladusca lineage. After about 9:00 p.m. brutes reach the top (2220 m altitude).. still come a little more uneven portion of the ridge, followed by top Claia uptakes Bypass (2202 m alt.) supported the right of the ridge Coltilor Rai. The climb along the ridge next to it, which became wider and slightly grassy, passing over the boiler bypassed, or until the top of The Peak Baciului Man (2238 m) . To the south fork to the left peak, the descent, the route 1. A (marked with red) to grind refuge. Below this point, the ridge line, about 350 m, we arrive at the metal pillar Saddle Grind, southern limit of the Northern Ridge, where the second stage of the ridge end of the road.


Southern Ridge: Saddle Grind – Long Mane – Saddle Bottoms
To more precisely delineate the northern ridge of the southern ridge ridge we chose the lowest point of the landmark Peak Baciului and top grind, which I called Saddle Grindului. A pillar of the mark, had in this place, into the path of descent to the cabin Plaiul Road on “The Chain”, serves as a marker for identification. The Saddle Grind, led by red point mark, climbing to the top of the ridge Southern Grind (2210 m alt.), Which come soon. continue to cross the most difficult portion of the ridge route, along a narrow winding corners. the left, on the eastern slope, the deeply Hornurile Beam, whose thalweg full of debris formed in the valley downstream key lineage as grind. right on the western slope, we increase the clutter of towers and shoulders characterize zone called Rock Park. The range has finally subsided in one place, where we start to climb over obstacles that precede long mane, the most impressive piece of ridge in the whole mountain. Taken together, it looks like a roof similar to that of the great peaks of the Fagaras Vista-Moldoveanu. quite long and narrow, ridge leaves left and especially right a very steep wall. South of the mane long, the trail takes us above the high walls of the western slope, where climbers have found a vast area for this sport of courage and will. This in turn overcome: Wall of Padina Lancii, Glade closed Grohotis Great Wall, bounded to the south edge of Red Piscului wall Cold wall Piscului the Trees, the porch wall, edge of Ivan and Ivan’s Valley, which closes the area investigated The climbers on the western slopes of Stone Park. The right of the valley, ridge loses height. Interrupted by numerous peaks lathe saddles or narrow to go around the eastern slope, had led to the marker on a path located at about 40-50 m below the crest. Sometimes this slope crossed from large areas covered with juniper trees and dotted with smirdar, which bloom period (May-June) becomes red mountain with its flowers and inmiresmeaza atmosphere. Most importantly, the last peak is Virful Southern Stone Ridge (2086 m alt.), We reach after about 3 hours, counted from the Saddle Grindului. The Descent of him still having a difficult passage to the end after about 15 meters further, the trail closer to the ridge line. look ahead, covered with forest, mountain pebble, extending south and Stone Park. After a succession of three towers, which exceed our climb, passing through the saddles to separate them, get in the lineage of the Valley of nettles, deep right, to the west. they take shape along the path marked with blue triangle route 9. C. branch point is indicated by a pillar indicator. The last obstacles to climb in Saddle Bottoms, held over a distance of about 350 m, is in the form of coltan or grassed easy steps. We came upon them in the right perspective on a beautiful carved valleys in the west wall of the Rock Mountains and Pietricicai, outlined by the thicket of juniper forest seninari raised on limestone. Description of phase III of the route in Saddle Ridge has finally bottoms and red point mark, still very rarely leads to the left (eastward), the descent, alternating with blue triangles mark the bottoms up to the sheepfold, where he Finally.

semn turistic Zarnesti – Road Plaiul 2.30-3.30 h

In front of railway station
Zarnesti orient us to the right, crossed the city street in the central square until March 6. Here, near the PTT office, meet two plates with markings indicating that lead to different objectives of masiv.1 The indicator plate right down the street about 200 meters May 1, and left us at the Abbey, we climb along Linden Street, Vinatori Toplita up and get out of town. A local road, extended from the street Toplita lure us off to places that loom so beautiful. Soon we leave the left path marked with signs leading to Goat Brina (3 trascele and 3.A) and cottage Curmatura (route 2.B). After about 3 km reach Priboaiei Record. On our right, across the water Birsha is high, covered with forest, Pleasa top and the left, preceded by fine, see the forested slopes of Little Rock and Stone Tower’s Park. 6 km from Zarnesti unite Girne’s Cross, crucifix in the law, the two arrows pointing in opposite directions, give us an indication of the time went. Anything above that of their 6500 km, the valley receives Birs Great Brook Birs Iron left on a long wire which leads to the red triangle marking the top of the mountains Plague billet. From this point, called Gura Birs Iron, mark red tape sometimes leaves forest road, short detours through the glades. Marking poles, disposed at long distance, are visible and have the general direction west. 7900 km on the right we are at the point called the Sub Bortila “where there are some abandoned houses and a saivan. Above these rises the corner cells, in which the Cave of the corner cells, whose interior was used by refugees from Zarnesti , come to these places in 1421, when the Turks occupied the city. saivanul At left is 9 km from the Middle Vad, and next to 10,500 km, is called the mouth Birs, where the left gets Birs Great Brook’s Birs Bucur. The here we have about 35 minutes to lodge Plaiul Road. forest road leads to the left, water right accompanying them. This piece, more inevitable, can be avoided by following the old roadbed of the forest train, which can still be seen along the same ordered bookmarks. the right km 12, gets right Birs Great Valley Riie. At 100 m above is a pillar Rescue indicator arrow which announces that the first aid station is located one kilometer. From right to left starting track indicator of lighting 10 Bear Valley, clearing up the former Diana refuge. Soon, way, shape beside the river, stands the beautiful glades where buildings are built cottage belonging Plaiul Road. The main building is located on the left Birs Mari, to the point where the union Birs Birs Tămaşului Grosetului with Great Birs form. Point Observation and First Aid Rescue is located in Annex huts.

semn turistic Zarnesti – Cabana Poiana Curmatura by Zanoaga 2.30-3 h

C.F.R. to station Zarnesti, the right, cross the city from northeast to southwest along the street on March 6, after about 1 km we reach the central square, where the post office and telephones. continued on the same street, meeting from place to place as many a pillar indicator that shows us the way to the mouth of river and Curmatura chalets. When I reached the bridge built across the valley through which flows the River, a short distance after crossing it we are off to the left, Riului Street. front and right side to Little Rock high mountain forests up to the crown, and on its left Magura Minor. Water of the river flowing to the left on the roadside along which we climb. After about 40 minutes from station C.F.R. Zarnesti, we arrive at the cottage mouth of the river, and signaled a pillar indicator. The gentle slope next to it go up in the forest road nestled between mountains with slopes more inclined, passing buildings capture the spring called “Gentlemen wells, go through a limestone quarry operation and reach the well’s Botorog, the source indicated on the right road . On a pillar indicator and a metal plate are inscribed the names of various targets of tourist routes, and mark each time went right drum.Din Botorog’s fountain, are turning our way to the right, was made by a pillar indicator. The road, barely registers here before we drive to climb slowly over Danis’s Padina, deep valley on our left. Soon they crossed the valley and right bank, climbing over some large serpentine shaped by deciduous forest, we arrive (after 45 minutes) from a spring, arranged in the right way. Beyond this, the seats are more likely, on the right is deep gullies which PIRAIE rippling springs something fragile that they were above. Climbing in this area is hard, but ends after a short distance in the gap occupied by clearing Zanoaga. Abbey us slightly to the right, climb diagonally through the big meadow. They distinguish a pillar in the middle indicator of which law, the right, begins route 17 (marked with blue dot) over Little Rock. The last portion of the route to the cabin Curmatura travels through the forest, and when the steep eastern horizon when the Northern and Stone Ridge Mountains. On leaving the forest, a place opened, we left the clearing in the Middle, punctuated by a few houses, and right over molidis, Yellow, rust-colored wall, which runs vertically downhill trail called the Crystal Fissure. After about 3 hours away, counting from Zarnesti, Curmatura reach the chalet (1470 m alt.), Where he finally scored the first part of the route with yellow tape.

Zarnesti – Valley Cottage Curmatura crack 2.30-3.30 h

railway station to our Zarnesti oriented west (right), following the market until March 6th St. downtown, where we identify the map marked trails in and around Mountain National Park and a series of written explanations signs on two boards. The indicator plate right, down the street May 1, led initially by red tape marking. After a short distance we are off to the left on Linden Street, climbing up a slope next to house number 10. From here follow the street and then Hunters Toplita Street, which extends from the exit of town with a local road. The houses situated right on the street last Toplita advancing on the road about 300 meters left till unite in some willow bushes, from which point the left off the road on a country road emerged among crops (pillar indicator). After this passage begin a climb diagonally to the right place on the mountain slopes Little Rock. The places covered by fine identify our road sign, located on the flags or trees, alternating with yellow tape marking. Guided by well-defined path, crossed the coast, slightly uphill, the meadows, Sub Birca (local name for the fineness of the northern slope of Little Rock), pour the lap of the forest. Enjoy the scenery from the front Birs extended along the Great Valley in dozens of plans come after about 1 1 / 2 hour in the valley of the crack, whose deep groove separates the Little Rock National Park. At this point, at 980 m altitude., it divides: the left the valley of the crack, marked with yellow tape, and to the right to shelter former fairy tusks cells and Diana. As far as we are off to the left branch by following our path, shaped crack in the valley through the forest, our employees in a climb more sustained. After about 900 m away, the valley narrows and is stretched between two high walls. From this place only one block long climb up the rock or debris areas, admiring the high towers in the middle of a forest or vegetation increased along the valley. After about 21 / 2 hours after departure from Zarnesti, we crack under the needle. Everywhere in this part there are high walls, vertical climbers who have established routes that today we are honored. We can not forget that the first mountaineer to climb the set The needle was old crack and tireless researcher ridge Constantine (Titi) Ionescu, Ion Ionescu’s collaborator Dunareanu, author of works of interest on the first National Park. The basis of needle crack crack Sipote spring water flows. resuming the road, sustained climb , strain on our towers in the few succeed, beyond which we enter the spruce forest to finally take the ridge. When you get to the goal, we are in the saddle crack. One pillar indicator shows two marked trails branch: the right to Stone Ridge Mountains (path S) to Little Rock to the left (route 17). Without that our route to have any special indication in this place, down from the saddle crack, oriented to the left half, following a wide path along which unite and mark. After about 15 minutes we reach the cottage Curmatura, where the first end portion of the route taken

tourist sign route Zarnesti – Diana refuge 2.30-3 h

railway station to our Zarnesti oriented west (right), following the market until March 6th St. downtown, where we identify the map marked trails in and around Mountain National Park and a series of written explanations signs on two boards. The indicator plate right, down the street May 1, led initially by red tape marking. After a short distance we are off to the left on Linden Street, climbing up a slope next to house number 10. From here follow the street and then Hunters Toplita Street, which extends from the exit of town with a local road. The houses situated right on the street last Toplita advancing on the road about 300 meters left till unite in some willow bushes, from which point the left off the road on a country road emerged among crops (pillar indicator). After this passage begin a climb diagonally to the right place on the mountain slopes Little Rock. The places covered by fine identify our road sign, located on the flags or trees, alternating with yellow tape marking. Guided by well-defined path, crossed the coast, slightly uphill, the meadows, Sub Birca (local name for the fineness of the northern slope of Little Rock), pour the lap of the forest. Enjoy the scenery from the front Birs extended along the Great Valley in dozens of plans come after about 11 / 2 hour in the valley of the crack, whose deep groove separates the Little Rock National Park. At this point, at 980 m altitude., it divides: the left the valley of the crack, route 2 is ongoing. B, marked with yellow tape (which leads to the cottage Curmatura), and the route up the artery (index 22). From the branching path, the crack in the valley, our road crosses the valley Man’s Padina and enters from the wording of which, about 520 m distance, marking the start Padina Boundary (1015 m altitude. – 1 hour and 40 minutes from Zarnesti, route 18). From here, about 160 m away , go through the right “in Padina Fuser’s Man 1, which is not seen, being hidden by Groves. Through these restful places, our trail climbs to gentle slope, intersect at different distances and Padina Padina Chicerii horse and two or three gullies by flowing water. At the end of the interval between the clearing under Saddle cells, which identify the right path after the source of high crosses both here and after, as well as on top of a rock located above right. Chiliilor Corner see above clearing (1125 m alt.) heaped up in the crown covered with forest. spring from glade under Chiliilor Saddle is located at about 1080 m altitude., the right branch of the unmarked trail to the cave to the right corner of the cells, where displaced people otomanc after the invasion of 1421 have built a hermitage, still exists today. Continue on, get on the saddle cells, the small bridge between the cells and the abrupt corner Stone Park. Soon we enter the forest after a distance of 450 m, unite branch marked with a red cross Route 19 which leads through Sindileriei Padina (1240 m altitude., 2 hours and 10 minutes from Zarnesti). Since the branch shall start a sustained climb, which took place in the raspberry and lastarisuri short coils. After about 650 meters, counting from the right indicator of Padina Sindileriei of lighting, we get to the point of entry for Padina closed (1290 m alt.), a steep valley, in which climbers in Zarnesti established the longest and most difficult routes the entire mountain. Padina closed Route is not marked by being accessible only tourists used to climb the rock and mountain climbers. Padina Closed To see the index artery 23. The last 600 meters that separate us from the former Diana them refuge along traverse of paths whose journey is to finally subsides. Curmatura in clearing the abyss, 1510 m alt., where Diana was shelter, get about 3 hours by road. Here ends the first portion of our journey.

tourist sign route Zarnesti – Cabana Curmatura by Prapastiile Zarnestiului 2.30-3.30 h

C.F.R. station front Zarnesti, the right, cross the city from northeast to southwest along the street on March 6, after about 1 km we reach the central square, where the post office and telephones. continued on the same street, meeting from place to place as many a pillar indicator that shows us the way to the mouth of river and Curmatura chalets. When I reached the bridge built across the valley through which flows the River, a short distance after crossing it we are off to the left, Riului Street. front and right side to Little Rock high mountain forests up to the crown, and on its left Magura Minor. Water of the river flowing to the left on the roadside along which we climb. After about 40 minutes from station C.F.R. Zarnesti, we arrive at the cottage mouth of the river, and signaled a pillar indicator. The gentle slope next to it go up in the forest road nestled between mountains with slopes more inclined, passing buildings capture the spring called “Gentlemen wells, go through a limestone quarry operation and reach the well’s Botorog, the source indicated on the right road . On a pillar indicator and a metal plate are inscribed the names of various targets of walking trails, walking and marking time each way. For the well’s still Botorog follow forest road.