Zarnesti can be reached by road or by car, bus, rail or on foot from Brasov.
Brasov distance is about 25 miles per DN 73 – DN 73A, 7 km from Poiana DN 73A of 38 miles on Sercaia Road 73A
7 Km from Bran DN 73 – DN 73A. Distance to the city is 10 miles on Rasnov Road 73A to Pitesti are 120 miles on
DN 73 to DN 73 and DN Bucharest 1 is approx. 160 Km to Sibiu are approx. 150 Km.
Information on buses or trains schedule in the pages of our site to find useful information section.
geographic and demographic information:
Altitude: 722 m
Latitude: 45 ° 34 ’10 “N
Longitude: 25 ° 20 ’25 “E
Country: Romania
County: Brasov
Certification documentary 1373
Population in 2002: 25 332
208.74 km2, ie 3.78% of the county of Brasov, in which:
Zarnesti: 173.3 km2
Tohani Old: 17.86 km2
Quarter March 6 or Tohan Blocks: 32 km2
Tohani New: 17.26 km2
Population density: inh./km2 123.83
For more information about the location of the city will present maps Zarnesti below.
Zarnesti Satellite Location
Distances from various points in the city Zarnesti Romania
Location Zarnesti city of Brasov county map
Map villages and roads in the county of Brasov
Localities and road map of Brasov
Click on map for a big picture